Saturday 2 April 2016

Dear Family & Friends

This blog has been set up to keep everyone updated, rather than trying to manage emails and texts. We also liked the ability to have people be able to share comments that everyone in the family could read and be encouraged.

Dad was admitted to Sunnybrook hospital on Wednesday morning because he was struggling to breathe. They assessed him, put him on oxygen and began to treat him for some kind of lung issue. Their best guess was pneumonia. Dad was transferred to ICU and was placed in isolation in case he had a viral infection and to protect him as well. During this time, dad was still struggling to keep his oxygen levels up and was getting more and more tired from not being able to sleep.

On Thursday evening he was transferred to Critical Care where he was able to get a bit of sleep, but once again struggled to keep his oxygen levels up. By this time, the medical staff was quite sure this was some kind of pneumonia. What complicates the matter is that the cancer treatments he has been going through have knocked out his immune system. So, his body is struggling to fight this, even with the help of a broad spectrum of antibiotics.

Thursday evening, the medical team decided to put dad on a ventilator to help him get his oxygen levels up and to give his body rest. The sedation and breathing tube have helped his levels increase and for his body to rest. However, he is now not able to speak and is very groggy from the medication.

The next couple days will be very critical. The hope is that with the rest and help with from the ventilator, dad's body will be able to fight off the pneumonia, his lungs would clear and he could breathe on his own again.

Visitors are very limited in this unit and only family is allowed to visit at this time.

Please pray for dad. Pray for healing physically, but also for the Spirit of God to make the love of God so real to him that he would have a peace that is beyond our human understanding. Over the past few days, I have been able to share scripture with dad and pray with him. He has said to me and everyone else that he knows that if his time here is almost done, he knows where he is going and he is ok with that. We all find comfort in that fact.

I would ask that you would also pray for our family; my brothers and sisters and extended family would appreciate prayer for comfort, strength, patience, wisdom and love that we might find healing in the midst of this time.


  1. Prayers going to all of you. My heart is with you. God never wastes a hurt, please know I empathize with each of you and your dad. If I can help please let me know. πŸ™

  2. Art and Joanne VH3 April 2016 at 15:25

    Uplifting you ALL in our personal and family prayers. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:6,7
    Strength for each new day to everyone of you!

  3. Prayers to Len and all the family Albert. We r thinking of u all and praying for a speedy recovery. Len yur a fighter so u can beat this. I want to c u at the
    Pickerel River this summer so get better soon😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Hi and lots of luv to u Len
    from the Wards. Xoxoxoxo

  4. Hello to all the family! You are in our prayers and are thought of and prayed for throughout the day. God is our rock, never changing. Cling to Him as He holds on to you. Colossians 2:2 "This is what I have asked of God for you! that you be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love, and that you will have the rich experience of knowing Christ with real certainty and clear understanding."

  5. Praying for your whole family, for understanding, patience and safety as you go back and forth from home to the hospital. God is watching and caring for all of you.

  6. Our prayers and the prayers of many are with you, Mr. Kooy, as he is so affectionately known by all of us at Friendship Community Church. May God give strength to all of the family and assurance of his ever presence. Will and Rebecca Postma
